Apparently a new phone scam is going on in our area, where a person, who claims to be with PP&L electric company. The caller is then telling the owners their accounts are delinquent and there electricity will be shut off, with in an hour, if they don’t receive any payment. THIS IS A SCAM! Do not send or transfer any money to them.
My advice to anyone who receives this type of phone call, shall call PP&L at their 1-800 number, NOT the phone number the caller is providing to make payment.
This meeting is of massive importance. All Barrett and Paradise residents MUST attend to have their voices heard! There is LOTS of talk regaurding the opening of a Charter School if Barrett is closed. I and MANY parents are for this. We need to stand behind our children's education and social well being. We want to see Barrett succeed and remain open, but if it does not, then a Charter may be our only alternative! Please pass this information on. There are people who have been working on this for months now and need our support. More information will be announced at the hearing, Monday night.
The Barrett Supervisors are going ahead with a referendum on the November ballot to remove the 1/2 mill tax dedicated to Open Space. The meeting will be held on Friday, August 3, at 9:30 a.m. to receive public input and then they will vote to approve the new referendum. If you SUPPORT Open Space, and do not want the current ordinance to end, please plan to attend the meeting and voice your concerns. If you cannot attend the meeting (which is being held on a weekday), please voice your opinion by calling the township at 570-595-2602(leave a message), speaking with individual Supervisors, or e-mailing the Chairman of the Supervisors, Ralph Megliola, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Please share this information with friends and neighbors. The Supervisors believe that the residents of Barrett Township do not want to continue supporting Open Space. If you disagree, you need to let them know.
Thank you for your time,
Patti O'Keefe
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