Thursday, 09 April 2015 20:00

Barrett Township Management Summary Update (April 2015)

(Letter to the Editor) Hello Neighbor!

We are very sorry for the interruption in township news updates, but bad colds and family matters this winter slowed us down.  We'll summarize activities since January, although you are probably already familiar with them:

-- Police regionalization with Mt. Pocono was approved in concept by the Supervisors.  However, each of the townships included in the current Pocono Mountain Regional Police must first approve the proposed inclusion of Barrett.  Then the specific plan and contract needs to be presented by the Pocono Mountain Regional Police to the Barrett's Supervisors for their approval.  At that time, the police reorganization will become official. 

-- Barrett Supervisors dismissed Rick Scrudato at the initial town reorganization meeting in the beginning of January.  At several subsequent town meetings many residents protested the decision and its execution. Rick's replacement, Pam Ferro, has marketing experience with Weiler Corporation and has worked for the township recently by assisting John Seese with administrative matters. In addition to assuming Rick's responsibilities, Pam is also tasked with improving the marketing of Barrett Township.

--  A group of residents were unhappy that excess macadam from Barrett Township was used to pave one Supervisor's driveway and township labor was used to plow another Supervisor's driveway.  It was explained by the Supervisors that the macadam was excess from Barrett's road paving operations and was used as a favor by the Supervisor to dispose of the excess. The other 3 Supervisors were not consulted in making this decision. The Supervisors stated no policies currently exist in Barrett Township to address these situations.

    Under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, Benjie Labar is heading a fact-finding group of residents to investigate the facts surrounding these actions. Residents interested in attending their meetings should contact Benjie at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

--  During a February Supervisor's meeting, residents discussed ideas for marketing and improving Barrett.  Ralph proposed a committee and invited residents to participate. Ralph and Pam Ferro held an initial meeting on 3/19 attended by about 20 residents and management from Skytop, Buck Hill and Weiler. Many thoughtful ideas were presented and will be discussed further in future meetings.  

Since Ralph feels it best for the marketing/development committee to be headed by residents, Karl Weiler volunteered to chair the next meeting to be held in the near future. It is helpful for the plans's success that interested residents and small business owners attend as well as management from Buck Hill, Skytop and Weiler.



-- Police regionalization.  We feel any tax increases or major reorganizations of township functions such as fire, police, and ambulance should be voted on by residents. Although we are unhappy a public vote was not held, we do feel this reorganization will maintain security with increased services at reduced long-term costs and thus support it.

-- Dismissal of Rick Scrudato.  After many years of loyal and friendly service to Barrett, Rick did not receive the courtesy of discussion of his performance prior to dismissal.  Most companies have established procedures to insure communication of performance concerns and allow monitored steps for improvement.  This Golden Rule approach makes good personal and business sense, and such procedures should be established at Barrett Township.  Pam Ferro seems very friendly and professional, and we wish her success in her new position and with the marketing effort for Barrett.

-- Given the state of Barrett's roads, it is disappointing that there was considerable excess macadam that was given away and not used on township roads. The level of excess does not reflect favorably on the planning and scheduling of Barrett's road paving needs. We are disappointed with this action given the need for the macadam on so many of Barrett's roads.

-- We are grateful that Ralph proposed a Barrett marketing/development committee open to all residents. This is a step forward; however, implementation of plans for clean-up and marketing requires an un-biased and nonpolitical approach and in our opinion should be managed by a Town Manager.

We very much appreciate your interest and hope you will email us with your feedback and concerns.  And please email us if you would prefer to not receive future emails.  Thank you.

Ethel and Tom Huff at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Ethel and Tom Huff are residents of Barrett Township and hold no official management position for Barrett Township.

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