Saturday, October 3
Hosted by Pleasant Ridge Farm
122 Barn Swallow Road
Cresco, PA 18326
$1 per entry goes to benefit CAME Food Pantry
Costume contest, flat and jumping classes, games and more. Non perishable donations will also be accepted the day of the show. For complete information and class/prize list visit
The monthly PMSB meeting held on August 19th included discussion of the preliminary feasibility study regarding the improvement of athletic fields for both Pocono Mountain East and West High Schools. When Board members were asked for their response to the feasibility study, all except one Board member said they would vote for the improvement. Only Jackie Leonard declined to support the proposal, saying she felt it more financial responsible to maintain the money in the capital fund for future capital needs. We appreciate Jackie Leonard’s continued strength in consistently supporting fiscal restraint at PMSD. Meg Dilger was disappointed she could not attend for personal reasons.
MegaPhase Founder and President, Bill Pote, talks:
More information:
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Mountainhome, PWSID# PA2450039
Our drinking water contains chlorine, arsenic, copper, and lead. (On the bright side, at least it doesn’t contain fluoride!)
Are you drinking FILTERED water?
Below are some suggestions for filtering the water in your home.
We encourage everyone to drink clean water and eat quality food.
Even if you have well water, adding the above filters to your home’s water system couldn’t hurt.
If you want to have you water checked, here is the information for a PA-state-accredited water testing lab:
Prosser Labs
(570) 629-2981
Relevant News:
Full-Day Kindergarten Registration Open Now
Pocono Mountain School District is currently registering Kindergarten students for the 2015-2016 school year.
Parents who have a child who meets the eligibility for the 2015-2016 school year Kindergarten class, should contact the Pocono Mountain School District Central Registration Office at 839-7121 ext. 40400 to schedule an appointment. The child must be five (5) years of age or more, on or before September 1, 2015.
(Letter to the Editor) Hello Neighbor!
We are very sorry for the interruption in township news updates, but bad colds and family matters this winter slowed us down. We'll summarize activities since January, although you are probably already familiar with them:
A local composting program was discussed at the Barrett Township Supervisor Meeting on Wednesday, January 24, 2018. Based on comments from the supervisors, their position on a community composting program is that it's a great idea. However, they feel that composting should be done privately, between neighbors, friends, and the like. We encourage interested parties to review the following PDF resources about composting and start doing it at home!
And, if you start composting and start getting a foul odor, you need to add more wood chips, saw dust, or similar substances to your compost pile.
Further Reading on Composting: