Public Notices

Notice is hereby given that the following blasting schedule shall apply for the Bill Barry Excavating Incorporated Quarry (also known as the Cresco Quarry) on Quarry Lane in Barrett Township, Monroe County, Pa. Blasting will be conducted during daylight hours between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m., at which time guards will be posted to limit access.

Horn warning signals for blasting will be as follows: Pre-blast warning: At least one minute but no more than two minutes prior to detonation a warning signal of three blasts, each lasting about five seconds, will be given. Post blasts: After the blaster-in-charge has determined the blast area is safe, the blaster-in-charge will sound an "all clear" signal, consisting of one long blast, lasting approximately 10 seconds.

All horn warnings should be of sufficient power to be heard from a distance of 1,000 feet from the blast site. Certain conditions may cause a blast to be conducted outside the scheduled hours, such as rain, lightning, and other atmospheric conditions, operator safety or public safety.

Bill Barry Excavating Incorporated 174 Quarry Lane Cresco, Pa 18326

ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Thomas Gregory Medcraft, a/k/a Thomas Medcraft, late of Barrett Township, Monroe County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of Administration in the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims are directed to present the same without delay to the undersigned or his/her attorney within Four months from the date hereof and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of the 43rd Judicial District, Orphans Court Division, a particular statement of claim, duly verified by an Affidavit setting forth an address with the County where notice may be given to Claimant. Deborah A. Medcraft 162 Blackberry Dr. Cresco, PA 18326 or To: John L. Dewitsky, Jr., Esq. 17 N. 6th St. Stroudsburg, PA 18360 February 24,March 3,10 2025 LSOM0245607

Monday, 10 February 2025 13:06


ESTATE NOTICE Estate of MARGARET A. PFIRMAN a/k/a MARGARET PFIRMAN, late of the Township of Barrett, County of Monroe, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Deceased Letters Testamentary in the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned; all persons indebted to the Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims are directed to present the same without delay to the undersigned or his attorney within four (4) months from the date hereof and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of the Forty-Third Judicial District, Monroe County, Orphans' Court Division, a particular statement of claim, duly verified by an affidavit setting forth an address within the county where notice may be given to claimant. Kevin J. Winter, Executor 11 Frances Blvd. Holtsville, NY 11742 OR TO: CRAMER, SWETZ, McMANUS, JORDAN & SAYLOR, P.C. Attorneys at Law By: Gerald J. Kanyok, Jr., Esquire 711 Sarah Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360

Monday, 27 January 2025 12:40

Planning Commission

PUBLIC NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING SCHEDULE The Barrett Township Planning Commission will hold regular meetings in 2025 at the Barrett Administrative and Recreation Complex, 1200 Route 390, Cresco, Pennsylvania 18326, on the first Wednesday of each month at 5:30 P.M., unless otherwise noted. If you require any special accommodations to attend or participate, please contact the Township at 570-595-2602 at least one business day in advance. WEITZMANN, WEITZMANN & HUFFMAN, LLC By: Deborah L. Huffman, Esq. 700 Monroe Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Barrett Township Planning Commission Solicitor

Monday, 27 January 2025 12:38

Bridge Work

INVITATION TO BID The Monroe County Commissioners will receive Bids from PENNBID for the following proposed work located within the County: Monroe County Multiple Bridge Repair & Maintenance Project Located in Barrett, and Price Townships. All bidding documents are available at no cost at from January 10th, 2025. Bids must be submitted online in PENNBID. Bids will be received online in PENNBID until no later than February 4th, 2025. Bids will be reviewed and selected on March 18th, 2025. Status of the Bid will be updated accordingly on PENNBID. The project will generally include substructure epoxy injection crack sealing and concrete repairs, beam end repairs, deck and parapet joint seal system at pier, guide rail repairs and sign installation. There is no pre-bid conference to be held for the project. Questions, clarifications, or requests for information should be made on the PENNBID website indicated above.

Thursday, 16 January 2025 12:35


PUBLIC NOTICE OF MEETING SCHEDULE FOR 2025 During 2025, the Barrett Township Board of Supervisors will convene public meetings at the Barrett Administrative and Recreation Complex, 1200 Route 390, Cresco, Pennsylvania 18326, according to the following schedule: Regular meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 P.M. and on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 8:00 A.M. Unless otherwise advertised, regular meeting will be held on Jan 22, Feb 12, Feb 26, March 12, March 26, April 9, April 23, May 14, May 28, June 11, June 25, July 9, July 23, Aug 13, Aug 27, Sept 10, Sept 24, Oct 8, Oct 22, Nov 12, Nov 26, Dec 10 and Dec 24. Work session meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of each month at 8:00 A.M., unless otherwise advertised. Work sessions will be held on Jan 15, Feb 19, March 19, April 16, May 21, June 18, July 16, Aug 20, Sept 17, Oct 15, Nov 19 and Dec 17. If you require any special accommodations to attend or participate in these public meetings, please contact the Township at 570-595-2602 at least one day in advance. Weitzmann, Weitzmann & Huffman, LLC By: Todd W. Weitzmann, Esquire 700 Monroe Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Barrett Township Solicitors

Thursday, 16 January 2025 12:27

The Barrett Township Zoning Hearing Board

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BARRETT TOWNSHIP ZONING HEARING BOARD The Barrett Township Zoning Hearing Board will conduct a public hearing at the Barrett Township Municipal Building, 1200 Route 390, Cresco, PA 18326 on February 6, 2025, at 6:00 p.m. to hear the application of Elizabeth Cichello and Jason Delp for a variance for property located at 372 Lake Road, Canadensis, Pennsylvania, 18325, bearing a tax parcel number 1/6/1/3. The property is located in an R Zone and is 1.5 acres. The variance requested is for the purpose of allowing the property owner and occupant to maintain three (3) goats on the property as emotional support animals. A variance is requested from the requirement for the keeping of livestock under § 525-23(c) of the Barrett Township Zoning Ordinance. A variance has also been requested to disassemble a barn located 25 feet from the rear property line, and re-build the structure 50 feet from the rear property line. The complete application is on file for inspection and review without charge (or a copy may be obtained for a charge not greater than the cost thereof) at Barrett Township's offices, 1200 Route 390, Cresco, PA 18326 during regular business hours. If any person with a disability wishes to request that special accommodations be made to allow his or her participation, he or she is asked to contact the Township by calling 570.595.2602 at least one business day in advance to made arrangements. By Order of Barrett Township Zoning Hearing Board James V. Fareri, Esquire, Solicitor

Sunday, 12 January 2025 07:51

Estate Notice: Richard A Sommers, Jr,

ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Richard A Sommers, Jr, late of Barrett Township, Monroe County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary in the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims are directed to present the same without delay to the undersigned or his/her attorney within four months from the date hereof and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of the 43rd Judicial District, a particular statement of claim, duly verified by an Affidavit setting forth an address with the County where notice may be given to Claimant. Jeffrey T Sommers, Executor 198 Lower Seese Hill Road Canadensis, PA 18325 or To: William J Reaser, Jr, Esq. 111 N 7th St Stroudsburg, PA 18360 January 10,17,24 2025 LSOM0215496

Wednesday, 25 December 2024 08:43

Auditor Reorganization Meeting: January 7, 2025

PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Auditors of Barrett Township will hold a public meeting at the Barrett Administrative & Recreation Complex at 1200 Route 390, Cresco, PA 18326 on Tuesday,January 7, 2025, at 7:00 P.M. The purpose of the meeting is to organize the Board by the election of a chair and secretary and to take all other necessary and appropriate action as required by Article IX of the Pennsylvania Second Class Township Code, 53 P.S. Sections 65901-65917. If you require any special accommodations to attend or participate in the public meeting, please contact the Township at 570-595-2602 at least one business day in advance. By order of the Barrett Township Board of Auditors

PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Supervisors of Barrett Township will hold its reorganization meeting on Monday, January 6, 2025 at 9:00 a.m., at the Barrett Administrative & Recreation Complex at 1200 Route 390, Cresco, PA 18326. Immediately after the reorganization meeting, the Board of Supervisors will hold its regular monthly meeting. All those who are interested are invited to attend. If you require any special accommodations to attend or participate in the public meetings, please contact the Township at 570-595-2602 at least one business day in advance. WEITZMANN, WEITZMANN & HUFFMAN, LLC By: Todd W. Weitzmann, Esq. 700 Monroe Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Barrett Township Solicitor

Monday, 18 November 2024 14:08

Public Notice: 2025 Budget Available

PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ADOPT PROPOSED BUDGET FOR BARRETT TOWNSHIP Pursuant to Section 3202 of the Second Class Township Code, the Board of Supervisors of Barrett Township hereby gives public notice that the proposed budget for Barrett Township for fiscal year 2025 is available for public inspection at the Barrett Administrative & Recreation Complex (BARC) at 1200 Route 390, Cresco, Pennsylvania 18326, during regular business hours. The proposed budget will be presented for final approval and adoption at a regular meeting of the Board scheduled on December 11, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. at the BARC. Any and all interested persons are invited to inspect the proposed budget, to attend the meeting where adoption of the budget will be considered, and to offer such comments in relation to the proposed budget as they may desire. If you require any special accommodations to attend or participate in the meeting, please contact the Township at 570-595-2602 at least one business day in advance. WEITZMANN, WEITZMANN & HUFFMAN, LLC By: Todd W. Weitzmann, Esq. 700 Monroe Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Barrett Township Solicitors

BARRETT TOWNSHIP ZONING HEARING BOARD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING   The Barrett Township Zoning Hearing Board shall conduct a Public Hearing at the Barrett Township Municipal Building located at 993 Route 390, Cresco, Pa 18326 on Monday, December 16, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. to hear the application of James and Karen Brecker for a variance from the Barrett Township Zoning Ordinance, section 525-16(c)(5)(a) imposing a front yard setback requirement of 50 feet. Applicant desires to construct a deck on their property which will be 36.5 feet from Lenape Lane at the closest point. Any interested party is invited to attend the hearing and offer testimony. If any person with a disability should wish to request that special accommodation be made to allow his or her participation, he or she is asked to contact the Township by calling 570-595-2602 at least one (1) business day in advance to make arrangements.   By Order of the Barrett Township Zoning Hearing Board   James V. Fareri, Esq., Solicitor

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