Friday, 24 April 2015 20:00

AQUA Water System - 2015 Water Quality Report

Mountainhome, PWSID# PA2450039

Our drinking water contains chlorine, arsenic, copper, and lead.  (On the bright side, at least it doesn’t contain fluoride!)

Are you drinking FILTERED water?
Below are some suggestions for filtering the water in your home.

  1. Install a sediment filter on your incoming water line.  This will help protect your appliances (dishwasher, washing machine, etc) from any particles that come into your plumbing:

  2. Get a drinking water filter like this for your kitchen:

    These filters are MUCH nicer than a standard “Brita” filter, which pass water through charcoal.  These Berkey filters are essentially filtering water through a stone.  The filters are able to filter red food coloring out of water.  They also remove chlorine and other soft metals.  The photo attached to this article shows a “3 years later” shot of our Berkey filter element.  Note that we have been putting approximately 1 gallon of “AQUA Public Water” through this filter every day. 


We encourage everyone to drink clean water and eat quality food. 

Even if you have well water, adding the above filters to your home’s water system couldn’t hurt.   


If you want to have you water checked, here is the information for a PA-state-accredited water testing lab:
Prosser Labs
(570) 629-2981



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