Wednesday, 18 December 2019 15:34

2020 Millage Rates for Barrett Township

Per Resolution No. 121119B, Barrett Township Supervisors have set the 2020 budget and millage rates. 

For comparison purposes, I have constructed the following table showing the 2020 vs. previous millage rates:

Mills 2020  2019
General Purpose 1.7933 14.0
Park 0.096 0.75
Fire 0.2562 2.0
Library 0.1922 1.5
Road Machinery 0.16  1.25
Open Space 0.032  0.25
Ambulance 0.064  0.5
Total 2.5937 20.25


How is the millage rate calculated?
The county, municipality, and school district (taxing authorities) set their budgets for 2020. The taxing authority then divides its budget by the total assessed value of all property within the area it serves to arrive at a millage rate.

Last modified on Friday, 27 May 2022 14:01

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