Thursday, 23 March 2023 16:16

Additional Information re: Township Owned Properties

Fellow Barrett Township Taxpayers -

I've compiled some additional information regarding properties owned by the Township.

All of the below information (deed and parcel info links, property names, etc) has been merged into the existing "tracker" article.  (full screen alternative link)

  • You can browse the downloads directly.  In addition to the previous Right to Know request for all deeds, I added a new subcategory, Parcel Information.
  • They're cross-referenced, too. For example, you'll find in the Fire Department category, we include two parcel search documents.  Similarly, if you go to the 2008 section, you'll find information about related properties from that year: Wismer, Dog Park, etc.
  • If anyone has correction please email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Additional Comments:

  1. Some properties have deeds AND parcel information available, others are missing one or both, and I'm trying to figure out a pattern as to why.
  2. This probably needs to be cleaned up and organized: some properties have one deed and multiple parcel sheets, one property has two deeds
  3. In studying the website traffic to the existing Deed files, I've been seeing a lot of traffic to property deeds that I wasn't expecting: the 94 acre property in 2012, the 2005 Williams property, Miller 2022, Megargles 1959. Maybe someone can clue me in as to why.  I see plenty of hits on the Golten/Gunderson property, and the Elementary School, which I expect because they're 'current news.'

Respectfully submitted,
Nate Covington


Last modified on Thursday, 23 March 2023 16:24

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