Public Notices

Tuesday, 13 February 2024 07:12

ESTATE NOTICE Estate of William Clair Bender,

ESTATE NOTICE Estate of William Clair Bender, lateof Barrett Township, Monroe County County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters of Administration in the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims are directed to present the same without delay to the undersigned or his/her attorney within four months from the date hereof and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of the Forty-Third Judicial District, Orphans Court Division, a particular statement of claim, duly verified by an Affidavit setting forth an address with the County where notice may be given to Claimant.

Public Notice Barrett Township Zoning Hearing Board The Barrett Township Zoning Hearing Board shall conduct a public hearing at the Barrett Township Municipal Building, 993 Route 390, Canadensis, PA 18326 on February 20, 2024, at 6 o'clock p.m. to consider the application for a variance filed by Verizon Wireless with respect to a cellular tower Verizon wishes to erect on property titled in the name of Steelmantown Cemetery located on Creek Road in Canadensis, PA bearing tax parcel Verizon seeks three variances: (i) A variance from Section 525-12(c)(5)(c) of the Ordinance to allow a rear setback of 5' (minimum 25' required; ; 5'proposed): (ii) a variance from Section 525-23(f)(4)(c) to allow panel antennas having a height of 6' (maximum 5' permitted; 6' proposed); and (iii)a variance from Section 525-23(f)(4)(p) of the Ordinance to allow the proposed monopole to be setback less than 100% of its height from adjacent property lines (minimum 199' required; 15'and 76' proposed. A complete copy of the application is available for inspection at the Township offices 1200 Route 390, Cresco PA during regular business hours. All interested citizens are invited to attend this hearing. If special accommodations are required please contact the township offices at least forty-eight (48) hours before the hearing at 570-595-2602. James V. Fareri, Esquire Solicitor for Barrett Zoning Hearing Board

TAKE NOTICE that the Barrett Township Planning Commission will hold a public meeting on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at 5:30 p.m., at the Barrett Administrative and Recreation Complex, 1200 Route 390, Cresco, Pennsylvania 18326. The purpose of the meeting is to elect its officers and to make and alter the rules and regulations to govern its procedures in accordance with Section 207 of the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code (53 P.S. § 10207). Immediately after the organization meeting, the Planning Commission will hold its regular monthly meeting to consider any and all business of the Planning Commission. If you require any special accommodations to attend or participate in the public meeting, please contact the Township at least one day in advance at 570-595-2602. WEITZMANN, WEITZMANN & HUFFMAN, LLC By: Deborah L. Huffman, Esq. 700 Monroe Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Barrett Township Planning Commission Solicitor

Friday, 12 January 2024 12:18


During 2024, the Barrett Township Board of Supervisors will convene public meetings at the Barrett Administrative and Recreation Complex, 1200 Route 390, Cresco, Pennsylvania 18326, according to the following schedule: Regular meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 P.M. and on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 8:00 A.M. Unless otherwise advertised, regular meeting will be held on Jan 24, Feb 14, Feb 28, March 13, March 27, April 10, April 24, May 8, May 22, June 12, June 26, July 10, July 24, Aug 14, Aug 28, Sept 11, Sept 25, Oct 9, Oct 23, Nov 13, Nov 27 and Dec 11. Work session meetings will be held on the third Wednesday of each month at 8:00 A.M., unless otherwise advertised. Work sessions will be held on Jan 17, Feb 14, March 13, April 17, May 15, June 19, July 17, Aug 21, Sept 18, Oct 16, Nov 20 and Dec 18. If you require any special accommodations to attend or participate in these public meetings, please contact the Township at 570-595-2602 at least one day in advance. Weitzmann, Weitzmann & Huffman, LLC By: Todd W. Weitzmann, Esquire 700 Monroe Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Barrett Township Solicitors

NOTICE OF REGULAR MEETING AND OF INTENTION TO ENACT PROPOSED ORDINANCE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Supervisors of Barrett Township will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at 9:00 A.M. (immediately following the Board's reorganization meeting) at the Barrett Administrative & Recreation Complex at 1200 Route 390, Cresco, PA 18326, with respect to a proposed ordinance that amends and replaces the existing stormwater management ordinance found at Chapter 425 of the Barrett Township Code of Ordinances. At the time of the meeting, the Supervisors will listen to comments by members of the public concerning the proposed ordinance. If substantial amendments are not offered to the draft of the proposed ordinance, the Supervisors intend to consider enactment of the proposed ordinance at the regular public meeting immediately thereafter. The proposed ordinance is entitled: AN ORDINANCE OF BARRETT TOWNSHIP, MONROE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, AMENDING AND REPLACING IN ITS ENTIRETY BARRETT TOWNSHIP'S STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE, ORDINANCE 150 OF APRIL 24, 2007, CODIFIED AT PART II (GENERAL LEGISLATION), CHAPTER 425 (§425-1 THROUGH §425-39), OF BARRETT TOWNSHIP'S CODE OF ORDINANCES. The following is a brief summary of all of the provisions of the proposed ordinance: Part 1 contains general provisions including sections on a short title, statement of findings, purpose, statutory authority, applicability, repealer, severability, compatibility with other ordinance requirements, erroneous permits, and waivers. Part 2 contains sections on interpretation and definitions. Part 3 contains stormwater management requirements including sections on general requirements, exemptions, riparian buffers, volume control, rate control, and calculation methodology. Part 4 contains stormwater management site plan requirements including sections on plan contents, plan submission, plan review, modification, resubmission of disapproved plans, authorization to construct and term of validity, and as-built plans, completeness certificates and final inspection. Part 5 contains operation and maintenance provisions including sections on responsibilities of developers and landowners, operation and maintenance agreements, maintenance of stormwater management facilities accepted by the Township, and right of entry onto private property. Part 6 contains sections on fees and expenses including review and inspection fees, and expenses covered by the fee. Part 7 contains prohibitions including prohibited discharges and connections, roof drains and sump pumps, and alteration of stormwater management BMPs. Part 8 contains provisions on enforcement and penalties, including sections on right of entry, inspection, enforcement, suspension and revocation, penalties and remedies for violation, Township liability, appeals, and effective date. The proposed ordinance also contains appendices with a sample stormwater management agreement and declaration of easement, stormwater management design criteria, application, and management district map. A copy of the proposed ordinance will be posted on the Township's website and also has been supplied to the Pocono Record and to the Monroe County Law Library. Anyone may inspect the full text of the proposed ordinance (without charge) or obtain a copy of it (for a charge not exceeding actual copying costs) at the Township's office at the address listed above during regular business hours. If you require any special accommodations to attend or participate in the public meeting, please call (570) 595-2602 (ext. 3) at least one day in advance. WEITZMANN, WEITZMANN & HUFFMAN, LLC By: Todd W. Weitzmann, Esquire 700 Monroe Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Solicitor, Barrett Township Board of Supervisors

Sheriff's Sale OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE   By virtue of a Writ of Execution issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to 3820 CIVIL 2009 I, Ken Morris, Sheriff of Monroe County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will expose the following described real estate to be sold at a public online auction conducted by Bid4Assets, 8757 Georgia Ave., Suite 520, Silver Springs, MD 20910 on: Thursday, January 25, 2024 AT 10:00 A.M.   By accessing the web address:   PURCHASERS MUST PAY 10% OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OR SHERIFF'S COSTS, WHICHEVER IS HIGHER TO BID4ASSETS BY WIRE TRANSFER NO LATER THAN 4:00PM THE DAY AFTER AUCTION   LEGAL DESCRIPTION ALL THAT CERTAIN lot or piece of ground with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate in the Township of Barrett, County of Monroe, City of Mountainhome, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania bounded and described as follows, to wit: No.1: BEGINNING at a pipe on the easterly side of the public road leading from Mountainhome to Buck Hill Falls in line of lands of Anna Bella Moffett, thence by lands of Anna Bella Moffett, south seventy six degrees thirty minutes east two hundred and three tenths feet to a pipe, southeasterly corner of lands of Anna Belle Moffett, thence by lands of Edgar J. Evans et al of which this lot was formerly a part south three degrees nine minutes west one hundred feet to a pipe, thence by the same north seventy six degrees thirty minutes west two hundred five and five tenths feet to a pipe, thence along the easterly side of said public road, north six degrees one minute east ninety nine and thirty two one hundredths feet to the place of beginning. No.2: BEGINNING at a pipe on the easterly side of the public road leading from Mountainhome to Buck Hill Falls, the southwesterly corner of lands formerly conveyed by Edgar J. Evans, et al., to Andrew Haen, et ux, thence, by lands of Andrew Haen et ux south seventy six degrees thirty minutes east two hundred five and five tenths feet to a pipe, thence by lands of the parties of the first part, of which the lot was formerly a part, south three degrees nine minutes west twenty five feet to a pipe, thence by lands intended to be conveyed to Edgar L. Trenteseau, north seventy seven degrees thirty three minutes west (at 200.5 feet passing a pipe) two hundred six and seventy five one hundredths feet to a point, thence along the easterly side of said public road, north six degrees one minute east twenty five feet to the place of BEGINNING. BEING KNOWN AS: 134 Golf Drive, Cresco PA 18326 BEING THE SAME PREMISES which DONALD SOMMERS AND BARBARA SOMMERS, HIS WIFE AND WANDA SOMMERS, by deed dated 3/1/1994 and recorded 4/5/1994 in Book 1945 Page 913 conveyed to DEBORAH SINATRA. PIN #: 01638803209001 TAX CODE #:   SEIZED AND TAKEN IN EXECUTION AS THE  PROPERTY OF: DEBORAH SINATRA   TO ALL PARTIES IN INTEREST AND  CLAIMANTS: Prospective bidders must complete the Bid4Assets on-line registration process to participate in the auction. The highest bid plus costs shall be paid to bid4assets, on their website, as the purchase price for the property sold by the Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, PA. A schedule of proposed distribution for the proceeds received from the above captioned sale will be on file in the Office of the Sheriff within thirty (30) days from the date of the sale. Distribution in accordance therewith will be made within ten (10) days thereafter unless exceptions are filed within said time. Sheriff's Office Stroudsburg, PA Barry J. Cohen, Sheriff's Solicitor Ken Morris Sheriff of Monroe County Pennsylvania Danielle M. DiLeva, Esquire Advertise: 12/22, 12/29/23 & 1/05/24

Sheriff's Sale OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE By virtue of a Writ of Execution issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to 1739 CIVIL 2020 I, Ken Morris, Sheriff of Monroe County, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will expose the following described real estate to be sold at a public online auction conducted by Bid4Assets, 8757 Georgia Ave., Suite 520, Silver Springs, MD 20910 on: Thursday, January 25, 2024 AT 10:00 A.M. By accessing the web address: PURCHASERS MUST PAY 10% OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OR SHERIFF'S COSTS, WHICHEVER IS HIGHER TO BID4ASSETS BY WIRE TRANSFER NO LATER THAN 4:00PM THE DAY AFTER AUCTION LEGAL DESCRIPTION ALL THAT CERTAIN tract, piece or parcel of land situate in the Township of Barrett, County of Monroe and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described with bearings from the Meridian of 1934 as follows, to wit: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the line of lands now or formerly of Beatrice Sanchez, said stake being approximately two hundred forty feet from the edge of the main street of Canadensis; thence by lot now or formerly of Beatrice Sanchez, North eighty-seven degrees forty five minutes East eighty feet to a stake; thence South one degrees thirty three minutes East sixty feet to a stake in the line of land now or formerly of William Every; thence along the land, now or formerly of William Every, South eighty-seven degrees forty-five minutes West eighty feet to a stake; thence North one degree thirty-three minutes East sixty feet to the place of BEGINNING. EXCEPTING and RESERVING to the grantors, their heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, and their servants and agents, the right of ingress and egress over a right of way ten feet wide beginning at the main street in Canadensis and running between the lands now or formerly of Beatrice Sanchez and Herber M. Matthews, et ux. A 60 by 80 foot lot, more or less, approximately .11 acres in size Also known as per Monroe County GIS as Number 4693 Route 447 BEING KNOWN AS: EAST SHORE OF BRODHEADS C, CANADENSIS, PA 18325 BEING THE SAME PREMISES WHICH JOHN W. DEKALB AND EVA WOODALL N/B/M EVA H. DEKALB, HIS WFIE BY DEED DATED 10/22/2004 AND RECORDED 10/29/2004 IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF DEEDS IN DEED BOOK 2206 AT PAGE 1789, GRANTED AND CONVEYED UNTO JOHN W. DEKALB AND EVA H. DEKALB, HIS WIFE. PIN #: 01638804722895 TAX CODE #: SEIZED AND TAKEN IN EXECUTION AS THE PROPERTY OF: EVA DEKALB, JOHN W. DEKALB TO ALL PARTIES IN INTEREST AND CLAIMANTS: Prospective bidders must complete the Bid4Assets on-line registration process to participate in the auction. The highest bid plus costs shall be paid to bid4assets, on their website, as the purchase price for the property sold by the Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, PA. A schedule of proposed distribution for the proceeds received from the above captioned sale will be on file in the Office of the Sheriff within thirty (30) days from the date of the sale. Distribution in accordance therewith will be made within ten (10) days thereafter unless exceptions are filed within said time. Sheriff's Office Stroudsburg, PA Barry J. Cohen, Sheriff's Solicitor Ken Morris Sheriff of Monroe County Pennsylvania Danielle M. DiLeva, Esquire Advertise: 12/22, 12/29/23 & 1/05/24

PUBLIC NOTICE   TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Supervisors of Barrett Township will hold its reorganization meeting on Tuesday, January 2, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., at the Barrett Administrative & Recreation Complex at 1200 Route 390, Cresco, PA 18326. Immediately after the reorganization meeting, the Board of Supervisors will hold its regular monthly meeting. All those who are interested are invited to attend. If you require any special accommodations to attend or participate in the public meetings, please contact the Township at 570-595-2602 at least one business day in advance.    WEITZMANN,    WEITZMANN &    HUFFMAN, LLC    By: Todd W.    Weitzmann, Esq.    700 Monroe Street    Stroudsburg, PA 18360    Barrett Township Solicitor

Thursday, 21 December 2023 09:37

Public Meeting: Board of Auditors - Jan 3, 2024

PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Auditors of Barrett Township will hold a public meeting at the Barrett Administrative & Recreation Complex at 1200 Route 390, Cresco, PA 18326 on Wednesday, January 3, 2024, at 7:00 P.M. The purpose of the meeting is to organize the Board by the election of a chair and secretary and to take all other necessary and appropriate action as required by Article IX of the Pennsylvania Second Class Township Code, 53 P.S. Sections 65901-65917.   If you require any special accommodations to attend or participate in the public meeting, please contact the Township at 570-595-2602 at least one business day in advance.   By order of the Barrett Township Board of Auditors  12/20/23

PUBLIC NOTICE   TAKE NOTICE that the work session meeting of the Barrett Township Board of Supervisors on December 20, 2023at 8:00 a.m. is canceled.   WEITZMANN, WEITZMANN & HUFFMAN, LLC By: Todd W. Weitzmann, Esq. 700 Monroe Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Barrett Township Solicitor


PH-37726279 NOTICE The Monroe County Board of Elections will convene at 7:00 a.m.on Tuesday November 7, 2023, in the Commissioners' Conference Room, Monroe County Administrative Center, One Quaker Plaza, Stroudsburg, PA for the purpose of canvassing and counting the Mail-in Ballots and Absentee Ballots. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS Sara L. May-Silfee, Director of Elections Legal Notice Proof of Publication NOTICE The Monroe County Board of Elections will convene at 7:00 a.m. on November 7, 2023, in the Commissioners' Conference Room, Monroe County Administrative Center, One Quaker Plaza, Stroudsburg, PA for the purpose of conducting business relating to the Election. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS Sara L. May-Silfee, Director of Elections Legal Notice Proof of Publication NOTICE The Monroe County Board of Elections will convene at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, November 13, 2023, in the Commissioners' Public Room, Monroe County Administrative Center, One Quaker Plaza, St

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