All construction work is included in one (1) Prime Contract. Bids shall be on a lump sum and unit price basis as indicated on the Bid Form. Bids shall be accompanied by bid security in the amount equal to 10% of the base bid amount in the form of cash, by a certified good faith check, cashier's check, bank good faith check, or irrevocable letter of credit drawn upon a bank authorized to do business in this Commonwealth, or by a bid bond with corporate surety made payable to or naming as oblige Monroe County. A performance bond in the forms provided in the bid specifications, each in amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the amount of the contract, and each with satisfactory corporate surety, shall be required to be furnished by the successful Bidders within 10 days of receiving notice of the bid award. An acceptable surety company is anyone included in the latest issue of the US Treasury Department Circular 570 listings and authorized by the PA Department of Insurance to do business in Pennsylvania. Bids may not be modified, withdrawn, or cancelled by the bidder for sixty (60) days after the date designated for the receipt of bids. Bids may be held by the Monroe County Commissioners for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days (or 120 days under conditions specified under Section 114 of Instruction to Bidders), from the date of the opening of Bids for the purpose of reviewing the Bids and investigating the qualifications of the Bidders, prior to awarding the Contract. The date of the scheduled bid award will be updated online in PENNBID on February 4th, 2025. Bids may be held by Owner for a period of not to exceed sixty days (60) from the date of the opening of Bids for the purpose of reviewing the Bids and investigating the qualifications of Bidders, prior to awarding of a Contract. The Monroe County Board of Commissioners reserve the right to reject any or all Bids and to waive informalities in the Bidding. MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Robert J. Gress, Chief Clerk/Administrator