Friday, 27 August 2021 08:01

Voter's Guide: November 2021 (Municipal Election)

(This post will be updated with sample ballots and additional information - stay tuned)

Edit 9/9/21:
Remember to sign the petition to reduce the number of Supervisors from 5 to 3




Barrett 1
Barrett Township Municipal Building, 993 Route 390, Cresco, PA 18326

Barrett 2
Mountainhome United Methodist Church Annex, 6680 Route 191, Mountainhome, PA 18342

Don’t wait until it’s too late – register to vote now.

If you’re already registered, but didn’t vote last November or in the primary in May, you may want to check your registration status here for confirmation. That’s also a good way to verify your voting location.  

Voting by Mail

Any registered voter can vote by mail ballot with no excuse required. However, to receive a mail ballot, it must be requested from the county elections office.

Mail / Drop-Box / Absentee Ballots and Voting Early-In-Person

Although the term “mail ballot” or “mail-in ballot” is typically used, in Monroe County any mail-in ballot can be deposited at a drop box location instead of being put in the mail.

For many people, the ballot drop box is a preferable option. Others who don’t want to wait until the rush of Election Day have also opted to vote early-in-person.

Any registered voter can vote by mail ballot with no excuse required. As there is an absentee ballot process, which is written into our state Constitution, you will be asked questions related to that process as well, such as will you be absent, or have a medical condition, or reside abroad, or are in the military. You can answer “no” to those questions and still vote using a mail ballot. If you happen to answer “yes” to any of the questions, you will still be able to vote by mail; the ballot will say “absentee ballot” – but the ballots are exactly the same otherwise.

All absentee / mail ballot applications must be returned to the Monroe County Elections Office by October 26, 2021 at 5:00 pm, but there’s no need to waityou can request it right away. In practice, if you haven’t requested it by the beginning of October, it’s probably best to wait until ballots are ready and go vote early-in-person at the elections office, or if that isn’t convenient, then vote at your normal polling location on Election Day.

The early-in-person voting uses the same absentee/mail-in application process, but it’s handled while you wait at the Monroe County Elections Office (or it can take longer, depending on how busy it gets), and when they hand you your ballot, you can sit at a desk and fill it out right away, and deposit it in the drop box.

If you requested and received a mail ballot and are concerned about postal delays, you can bring it in person and deposit it at one of the six ballot drop box locations in the county: five library locations and the Monroe County Elections Office on the first floor of the county administration building. This can be done from mid-October (dates will be announced) until Election Day.

Even as late as Election Day, it’s preferable to drop your ballot off in person at a drop box location. The county elections office is open for that purpose until 8:00pm on Election Day. For the library locations, check each library’s hours and any updated times given on the county’s drop box locations page.

If you should happen to go to your polling place on Election Day (after requesting a mail/absentee ballot), you must bring the entire mail ballot and the two envelopes – the inner secrecy envelope and the pre-addressed outer return envelope – to exchange for an in-person ballot. At that point, your mail/absentee ballot will be voided by the poll worker, and you will be given a normal ballot with which to vote. If you have lost or forgotten your mail/absentee ballot, not to worry – you can still vote with a provisional ballot. Provisional ballots will only be counted after all the other ballots, to verify that the voter did not in fact vote by mail, and eliminate the possibility of double counting.

Office of Elections and Voter Registration

The county elections office has office hours on weekdays from 8:30am to 4:30pm:

Monroe County Office of Elections and Voter Registration
Monroe County Administrative Building
One Quaker Plaza, First Floor, Room 105
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Phone: (570) 517-3165


Ballot Drop Box Locations (Early Voting)
Any drop box location can be used, regardless of where you live in the county – this applies to drop boxes only.
Check hours with each library, and any updated hours from the elections office.

  • Clymer Library, 115 Firehouse Road, Pocono Pines, PA 18350, (570) 646-0826
  • Eastern Monroe Public Library (Hughes Main Library), 1002 North 9th Street (Rt 611), Stroudsburg, PA 18360, (570) 421-0800
  • Smithfield Branch (Library of the Smithfields), Located in: Middle Smithfield Township Community & Cultural Center (Echo Lake Park, Rt 209), 5200 Milford Road , East Stroudsburg, PA 18302, (570) 223-1881
  • Pocono Mountain Public Library, 5500 Municipal Drive, Coolbaugh Township, PA 18466, (570) 894-8860
  • Western Pocono Community Library, 131 Pilgrim Way, Brodheadsville, PA 18322, (570) 992-7934 (closed noon-1pm)
  • Monroe County Office of Elections and Voter Registration, Monroe County Administrative Building (First Floor, Room 105), One Quaker Plaza, Stroudsburg, PA 18360, (570) 517-3165 – This drop box will be open until 8:00pm on Election Day


Last modified on Thursday, 09 September 2021 16:08

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