Wednesday, 24 October 2018 12:29

To the Editor: Response to PMSD Admin Salaries

Hi Nate,

I for one do NOT support the continued increase in PMSD administrators' budget when we can't adequately support the bus drivers and other front line workers in the district. If I gave myself pay increases in this economy I would go out of business. Not to mention, they claim to be "saving" money by outsourcing things like transportation which will put the locals out of work. How is it that the community has no say in these matters?

I went to one of the meetings where Robinson's increase was debated, the consensus from most was we can't afford it yet the school board, with the exception of one person voted to approve. I guess we can just keep passing the buck to the taxpayers until the entire district is full of "for sale" signs and foreclosed properties. The only people who will be able to afford the school taxes will be the school administrators. They brag about the minuscule millage decrease but they close down several schools which in my opinion should have DRAMATICALLY decreased our millage. Instead they pass the money on the the admins, give us a few crumbs, and pat themselves on the back.

Pat MacCabe


Editor's Note:
Please attend PMSD board meetings - 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 7pm at the Swiftwater building. 
FYI: These meetings are included on the community calendar, in the Regional category.  

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