Monday, 08 June 2020 08:38


Editor's Note:
I usually don't post news alerts for other municipalities but this relates to Barrett because a liquor license is transferring out of the immediate area.  This is more of an FYI - 


This public notice is for a Smithfield Township public meeting, not Barrett:  


PUBLIC NOTICE SMITHFIELD TOWNSHIP MONROE COUNTY, PA PUBLIC HEARING RESOLUTION FOR AN INTERMUNICIPAL TRANSFER OF A RESTAURANT LIQUOR LICENSE FROM BARRETT TOWNSHIP TO SMITHFIELD TOWNSHIP FOR McKEE 209, LLC PUBLIC MEETING TO VOTE ON SUCH RESOLUTION A regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Smithfield, Monroe County, Pennsylvania will be held on Tuesday, June 9, 2020 at 7 p.m. at the Township Municipal Building, 1155 Red Fox Road, East Stroudsburg, PA. At that meeting and as a meeting agenda item, there will be a public hearing to consider and vote on whether or not to adopt Township Resolution No. 443 which is a resolution to transfer a restaurant liquor license from Barrett Township to Smithfield Township. The ordinance would approve an application for the transfer of restaurant liquor license-License Number R-19038-owned by the McKee 209, LLC to its Smithfield Township property located at 2309 Milford Road, East Stroudsburg, PA 18302. Under the PA Liquor Code and the regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, the transfer must be approved by Smithfield Township by ordinance (or resolution) and the Township must hold at least one (1) public hearing pursuant to public notice on the request. The Township shall approve the request unless it finds that doing so would adversely affect the welfare, health, peace and morals of the township or its residents. Moreover, such transfer would still be subject to approval by the PA Liquor Control Board. Any and all interested persons or parties are invited to attend the meeting and offer public comment prior to the Board taking official action. This meeting will be held via ZOOM; and, the ZOOM Meeting ID Number is "944 4756 6092" and Meeting Password is "meeting". A full copy of the complete text of the proposed resolution has been delivered to this newspaper for examination by the public and a full copy of the complete text of the proposed resolution may also be examined without charge at the Township Building (at the address noted above) Monday through Friday during its business hours (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) by requesting a copy of same from the Township Secretary; or, a copy of the resolution may be obtained at cost upon payment to the Township of its copy charge for same. Ronold J. Karasek, Esquire Solicitor to Smithfield Township (610) 588-0224 P - May 30, June 1

Last modified on Monday, 08 June 2020 13:45

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