Wednesday, 24 April 2019 15:35

Aqua America Rate Increase Notice April 2019


Docket No. A-2019-3008491

Dear Customer:

On March 26, 2019, the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) conditionally accepted for filing the application of Aqua Pennsylvania Wastewater, Inc. (Aqua) for approval to acquire the Cheltenham Township (Cheltenham) wastewater system assets. Cheltenham serves approximately 10,200 customers in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Aqua's application also requests that the PUC authorize an addition of up to $50.25 million to Aqua's rate base pursuant to 66 Pa. C.S. § 1329. A utility's rate base is the value of property used by the utility to provide service to its customers and is one of several components used to establish a utility's customer rates.

HONESDALE – Aqua Pennsylvania (Aqua) has announced that, in 2018, it invested $37 million of water and wastewater infrastructure upgrades throughout its Honesdale and White Haven divisions.

The capital improvements were made to rebuild and replace aging water and wastewater infrastructure throughout Carbon, Lackawanna, Lehigh, Luzerne, Monroe, Northampton, Schuylkill, Susquehanna, Pike, Wayne and Wyoming counties.

Pennsylvania has among the highest state and local tax rates in the U.S., according to a recently released independent analysis.

According to WalletHub’s study, Pennsylvania placed 49th out of 51 in a ranking of the 50 states and Washington, D.C., meaning its residents shoulder the third largest tax burden in the country.

The commonwealth’s effective state and local tax rates on median U.S. households was 13.78 percent, meaning on average workers pay nearly 14 percent of their salaries in state and local taxes.  That's similar to but higher than nearby states New York, 13.74 percent, and Ohio, 13.05 percent.

Pennsylvania Department of Transportation has announced the following roadwork projects for the week of Monday, April 15:

Barrett Township
PennDOT maintenance forces will commence pothole patching on PA 390 between PA 447 and the Pike County Line on Monday, with lane restrictions from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. until Wednesday. Pothole patching will continue Thursday. The project is estimated to be completed by Friday.

Barrett Township
State Route 390 between state Route 447 and the Pike County line; pothole patching; daytime lane restriction. Please use caution driving through the work zone. April 9-12; 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Original Article

Tuesday, 26 March 2019 09:50

PMREMS Subscription Drive 2019

Pocono Mountain Regional Emergency Medical Services (PMREMS), a nonprofit organization, would like to first thank you for last year's support. Your membership and donations truly make a difference.

Last year, PMREMS responded to over 6900 emergency calls showing an increasing need for our services. As call volume increases, so do operating costs which include building and vehicle maintenance, equipment purchases, and training classes for our medical professionals. To help offset these costs and continue to give the qual ity of care you deserve, we turn to our community for help.

A few months ago, I filed a right-to-know request asking for an asset inventory of the township maintenance department of any item valued at $500 or above. 

I reached out to York Rake, the manufacturer, asking for information about our town’s 1987 HTR Street Broom.  

One would be forgiven for thinking our town's equipment being too old to get parts for anymore, or that we loaned it to another township.  I learned not only does Barrett Township actually own a street sweeper, but it’s even a current model.  Below is a transcript of my email thread with York Rake.

(Reposting this information from Rosemary Brown)

Special Edition: Property Tax Reassessment and What You Need to Know

If you live in Monroe County, over the last week you should have received an informational sheet from the Monroe County Assessment Office giving you your new property assessment valuations. Don’t think that just because your assessed value has gone up that your taxes will go up. I have done my best in this short recap to offer information that I believe is relevant, easy to understand and will help you develop further questions or help you communicate to others.

Disclaimer: The ideas expressed above are the personal thoughts and opinions of Nate Covington and do not necessarily reflect the position of Barrett Township or its Board of Auditors.

The long-rumored nuclear bailout in Pennsylvania finally has a hard number attached to it: $500 million a year.

That’s the amount of money that consumers would be sending to the three companies that operate five nuclear power plants in the state if House Bill 11 is passed by the Legislature and signed by the governor.

HB11 was unveiled Monday in a news conference by Rep. Tom Mehaffie, R-Hershey, whose district is adjacent to the Three Mile Island nuclear facility and is home to many of TMI’s workers.

I attended the supervisor meeting on June 22, 2010 to express my displeasure as a member of the community about the Blue Ridge Communications franchise fee. My concern was with an exclusive franchise agreement in place, our service would suffer, as there is (and was) no other choice of TV / Internet service provider.  What will motivate Blue Ridge to improve their services with no competition?

However, the meeting minutes indicate the exact opposite:

Monday, 04 March 2019 11:59

PMR Ambulance Board Vacancy

Barrett Township is looking for a representative to serve on the PMR Ambulance Board.  If interested, please send a letter of interest to the Board of Supervisors.  

PMR stands for Pocono Mountain Regional

The board oversees the operation of the services and meets once a month at the Tobyhanna Municipal Building (Off Rt 940).

Featured Events

logoDEsign.PNG26 Mar 2025
Logo Design Contest Deadline
nightAtTheRaces.PNG06 Apr 2025
04:00PM - 08:00PM
Night At The Races
easter egg hunt.jpg19 Apr 2025
11:00AM -
MUMC's annual community Easter egg hunt
01 May 2025
Rotary Scholarship Accepting Applications & Essays DEADLINE
fire-co-sportsmans-raffle-2024.jpg25 May 2025
04:00PM - 05:00PM
Sportsman's Raffle (Fire Co)
05 Jun 2025
Citizen of the Year DEADLINE
ConcertInThePark.PNG01 Jul 2025
04:30PM - 08:30PM
Concert In The Park
annualGolfTournament.PNG14 Sep 2025
12:00PM - 06:00PM
Annual Golf Tournament
halloween.PNG19 Oct 2025
02:30PM - 05:00PM
Barrett Township Halloween Parade
celebration.PNG05 Dec 2025
06:00PM -
Holiday Celebration & Tree Lighting

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