Wednesday, 24 April 2019 15:35

Aqua America Rate Increase Notice April 2019


Docket No. A-2019-3008491

Dear Customer:

On March 26, 2019, the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) conditionally accepted for filing the application of Aqua Pennsylvania Wastewater, Inc. (Aqua) for approval to acquire the Cheltenham Township (Cheltenham) wastewater system assets. Cheltenham serves approximately 10,200 customers in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. Aqua's application also requests that the PUC authorize an addition of up to $50.25 million to Aqua's rate base pursuant to 66 Pa. C.S. § 1329. A utility's rate base is the value of property used by the utility to provide service to its customers and is one of several components used to establish a utility's customer rates.

This acquisition will not immediately, but may in the future, affect water and/or wastewater bills of Aqua customers, including the new Cheltenham Township wastewater customers. Aqua is not requesting a rate increase as part of the acquisition. Your rates will not change until the conclusion of Aqua's next rate case where Aqua requests and receives PUC approval to increase its rates. Currently, it is not known when Aqua will file its next rate case. At that time, based on a preliminary analysis of tile potential rate impacts, Aqua estimates that tne rates of the average customer could increase. (emphasis added)

(Read the full letter by downloading the PDF under 'Attachments' below) 

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