Editor's Note:
I usually don't post news alerts for other municipalities but this relates to Barrett because a liquor license is transferring out of the immediate area.  This is more of an FYI - 

Monday, 01 June 2020 09:14

Tuesday, June 2, 2020, is Election Day

Don't forget to vote!  

(see attachments for sample ballots)

Hello Friends,

I hope this message finds you and your families safe and healthy.

We are holding one more food drive! Remember...monetary donations are welcome and usually easier! If you are in my neighborhood I can pick items up at your home...just let me know! On behalf of the Christian Awareness Ministry Ecumenical C.A.M.E.

Thank You.

Jane Bartholomew,
Associate Broker

(Meeting was held last week)

Notes from meeting:

  • Monroe County is not receiving any State funds for the project - entirely self funded
  • No funds set aside - borrowing (bonds)
  • During meeting stated that it has been determined that this project will not affect the overall tax rate

Update 5/20/20 @ 10:30:
I did some more research on the 2020 Census and it seems the driver in our area is likely part of the "Update Leave" part of the census, where they send drivers to areas without postal service.  However, the strange part is our area ALSO received those postcards.  Not sure why this happened, it should only be one or the other during this phase of the census.  FYI, the actual "Door knocking" part of the census begins on August 11, 2020.  



Update 5/19/20 @ 8:40am - Message from neighbor:
Nate: This Census dude actually is a big question mark. I filed a police report on him. He dropped off somebody else's census on my porch. I drove around the neighborhood until I found the house it belonged to, and delivered it. He came back THE NEXT DAY and was attempting to come up my driveway to drop off another packet. I chased him off, but then grew suspicious. He has been wandering around the area for several days now. Since you obtained a picture of his car, I'm turning it over to the police to investigate.


Original Article:

Why are Census workers driving around, against "social distancing" orders, not wearing masks, in a "red county"?  

I was surprised, let's say, when this 2020 Census worker pulled into my driveway on Saturday May 16, around 4pm. 

Further, we had already completed the census online, on April 2nd!  He had no reason to even pull in. 

"I want the governor to see firsthand what type of businesses he is turning his back on without consideration. Big box stores are continuing to gain revenue while small businesses, which can offer the similar services, are shuttered and so close to never opening their doors again. I have a flooring company that can’t sell tile, but Home Depot and Lowes can? Our small businesses and their employees need a government that works smart and they continue to have my support."


Brown Submits ‘How We Can Do Business Safely’ Documents to Wolf Administration from Local Businesses

Working in coordination with local businesses and township officials, I sent Gov. Tom Wolf, Department of Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine and Department of Community and Economic Development Secretary Dennis Davin a letter which includes documents and “real world” examples from many business owners in the district illustrating how they plan to open safely to protect their customers and employees.

Monroe County school districts are poised to receive more than $5 million in coronavirus relief funds.

Pending official approval of Pennsylvania’s application by the U.S. Department of Education, East Stroudsburg will get $1,739,127; Pleasant Valley, $634,498; Pocono Mountain, $1,983,113; and Stroudsburg, $901,123.

Monday, 11 May 2020 15:55

Execution notice signed for Frein

Convicted cop killer Eric Frein has been scheduled for execution, the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections announced Monday.

According to a release from the department, Secretary John Wetzel signed a Notice of Execution setting June 22, 2020 as the date of execution for Frein.

CRESCO, PA (May 6, 2020) – As a result of declining enrollment and other serious challenges, the Diocese of Scranton announced today that Monsignor McHugh School will close, effective at the end of the current academic year on June 30, 2020.

Students, families, administrators, educators and pastors from the Monroe County school community have all been notified of the closure.

Sharon S. Laverdure,Chairman John R. Moyer, Vice-Chairman John D. Christy, Commissioner

Chief Clerk/Administrator:
Greg Christine


Public Notice MONROE COUNTY HAS BEEN AWARDED FEDERAL FUNDS MADE AVAILABLE THROUGH THE DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (DHS)/FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY UNDER THE EMERGENCY FOOD AND SHELTER NATIONAL BOARD PROGRAM. Monroe County will receive $95,543 for Phase 37 (FY 2019 annual funding) and $136,217 CARES (FY 2020 COVID-19 supplemental funds) jurisdictional allocations to be administered concurrently was announced on Friday, May 1, 2020. The allocation made by a National Board, chaired by the US Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency, consists of a representative from American Red Cross; Catholic Charities, USA; National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA; The Jewish Federations of North America; The Salvation Army; and United Way Worldwide. The Monroe County jurisdiction will create a Local Board and develop a plan to supplement organizations providing food, shelter, and supportive service, including, but not limited to: food services, lodging in a mass shelter or hotel vouchers, one-month rent or mortgage assistance, utility assistance, supplies or small equipment for mass feeding or sheltering not to exceed $300 per item.

Any non-profit, faith-based, or local government agency that provides food and shelter services may apply for funds. To receive funds an agency must: 1) be private voluntary non-profits or units of government, 2) be eligible to receive Federal funds, 3) have an accounting system, 4) practice nondiscrimination, 5) have demonstrated the capability to deliver emergency food and/or shelter programs, and 6) if they are a private voluntary organization, have a voluntary board. Current or former EFSP participation is not required for participation. Qualifying agencies are urged to apply. Monroe County has distributed Emergency Food and Shelter funds previously with The Salvation Army, Family Promise of Monroe County, Pocono Area Transitional Housing, Monroe County Meals on Wheels, Women’s Resources of Monroe County and Pocono Services for Families and Children. Request for Funding Proposal (RFP) applications for the Phase 37 and CARES allocation will be accepted by the Monroe County Fiscal Affairs Office on or before May 18, 2020. Return proposals in the format described in the Request for Funding Proposal (RFP) packet to the Monroe County Fiscal Affairs Office. No applications accepted after May 18, 2020. Please email Jennifer Strauch This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for an application. If you require any special accommodations to obtain or submit a proposal, please provide reasonable notice of your needs to the Monroe County Fiscal Affairs Office, address, and telephone listed below.

Direct all questions, comments, or inquiries to: Monroe County Fiscal Affairs Office Monroe County Administrative Center Monroe County Board of Commissioners One Quaker Plaza Room 204 Stroudsburg, PA 18360 __ 570-517-3190
Greg Christine, Chief Clerk/Administrator

Publish: 05/06/2020

Administrative Center, One Quaker Plaza, Room 201 Stroudsburg, PA 18360  570-517-3102 Fax 570-517-3851

via Jane Bartholomew:

Hello Friends and neighbors !! Each of our Classic Properties offices is sponsoring a food drive.  
See this flyer...Our local C.A.M.E. pantry is in need of donations.

Monroe County

Bushkill Outreach: Lehman Township Community Park, 168 Lehman Park Road, Bushkill. Hours: 9 a.m. to noon Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday or by appointment. Serves residents of Lehman and Middle Smithfield townships (Pike and Monroe counties). Federal income guidelines apply. Drive-up service only. Information: 570-588-0660 or BushkillOutreach.org.

Christ Episcopal Church: 205 Seventh St., Stroudsburg. Open from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, May 2. For information and updates: christchurchstroudsburg.net; Facebook at Christ Church Food Pantry; email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.; or 570-421-7481. Download Remind App and text @cecfo to 81010 for updates as well.

Featured Events

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Logo Design Contest Deadline
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04:00PM - 08:00PM
Night At The Races
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11:00AM -
MUMC's annual community Easter egg hunt
01 May 2025
Rotary Scholarship Accepting Applications & Essays DEADLINE
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04:00PM - 05:00PM
Sportsman's Raffle (Fire Co)
05 Jun 2025
Citizen of the Year DEADLINE
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04:30PM - 08:30PM
Concert In The Park
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12:00PM - 06:00PM
Annual Golf Tournament
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02:30PM - 05:00PM
Barrett Township Halloween Parade
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06:00PM -
Holiday Celebration & Tree Lighting

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