Thursday, 28 October 2021 21:27

Vehicle Recall Day

Vehicle Recall Day November 8, 2021

Submitted by Tracy Fox, Traffic Safety Coordinator Highway Safety Network

Did you know there is an easy way to make sure your vehicle is safe by checking for recalls? According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, in 2020 there were 886 safety recalls affecting 55 million vehicles and other equipment in the United States. Sadly, 25% of recalls are never repaired. By not having your vehicle repaired it could result in a crash that causes serious injuries or even death.

Wednesday, 27 October 2021 14:47

Theft of Catalytic Converters

Stroudsburg - The Monroe County District Attorney’s Office in conjunction with local area police departments and the Pennsylvania State Police are investigating thefts of catalytic converters from personal vehicles, garages, dealerships and repair shops throughout Monroe County.  If you have had a catalytic converter removed or stolen from your vehicle or removed and stolen from your vehicle while it was at a repair shop or a garage and you have not reported it to police please contact Detective Robert Sebastianelli of the Monroe County District Attorney’s Office at 570-517-3816 or email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Author: Rose Itzcovitz (WNEP)
Published: 5:49 PM EDT October 24, 2021
Updated: 5:49 PM EDT October 24, 2021
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CRESCO, Pa. — "These things are unpredictable, you never know what it happens," said Estelle Yessoh, Pocono Farms.

Churchgoers had just come out of Sunday morning mass, where they learned their pastor had been arrested.

"I hope it's not true because nothing like that should be happening," said Marie Herd of Tobyhanna.

According to court records, Pastor Gregory Loughney was arrested Friday.

Monday, 18 October 2021 09:04

October 2021 Courthouse Update

The Monroe County Commissioners together with the Judiciary are proceeding with plans to renovate, modernize and build an addition to the County Courthouse. These improvements are a priority for the County and the Court, and are the result of over a decade of careful study that consistently demonstrated a need for both expansion and modernization. The Monroe County Courthouse was built in 1890 and an identically-sized addition was built in 1934; both portions were added to the National Register of Historic Places on April 18, 1979. The courthouse was last expanded in 1979 and since then, the courthouse has served our community well. However, meeting current needs has forced the use of spaces not designed as work areas. With space limitations and an increasingly aged facility, Monroe County Officials have embarked on a project to upgrade the existing courthouse and construct an addition. With planning underway, this page will be periodically updated with information regarding the Courthouse project.

Over 100 farmers in Monroe County are getting greater recognition for preserving their farms. The newly designed sign was unveiled today in Brodheadsville.

Saturday, September 25th, 2021 • 12pm - 4pm
    (Rain Date 9/26/21)
    Hosted @ the former
    Barrett Elementary Center in Cresco


Thursday, 09 September 2021 16:42

Township Management & Hiring Practices

I recently filed a Right to Know request about our township's job openings, asking for a copy of any help wanted, job opening, or career opportunity posting that the township put together in the last 5 years.  In 2019 Barrett Township reported almost $400,000 in payroll expenses so it would make sense that they regularly post ads and hold interviews, right?


The RTK response came back indicating the "records do not exist."

In other words, the Township has filled all of its employment needs by hiring people from within its own network, rather than advertising the openings and interviewing the best candidates for the positions.  


This started out as a simple request for a 5 year budget comparison. When the township treasurer was unable to provide the requested financial report, I requested the Quickbooks data file, so I could create the report myself. The response wobbled: first the RTK request response said that Quickbooks data is unavailable. Then I asked more questions and it turns out that they do have that Quickbooks file, now they are saying they can't share it because it has confidential information.

Which is it?

(Read the full article on my blog)

Editor's Note:
Rosemary Brown has been doing a series on local school budgets and funding, the first two were for other school districts in our area so I didn't include them.  Last week she sent out details about Pocono Mountain School district so here they are:

Weekly Series (3 of 5)
Education quality and funding continues to be a priority of mine, as well as creating an environment and policies that help reduce the rate of our school property tax bills.

For a deeper understanding of our education funding locally, we will review school district funding within the 189th Legislative District. (Including East Stroudsburg, Stroudsburg, Pleasant Valley, Pocono Mountain and Delaware Valley school districts). Over the last 10 years in my position as your state representative, we have made tremendous progress in improving state funding to our school districts, and although it is not perfect, the progress has been strong, which you will see.

Northeast PA Redistricting Regional Hearing:
1pm on Monday October 18, 2021 at The Sidney and Pauline Friedman Jewish Community Center

Rescheduling details:

Please be advised that the Northeast Regional Hearing on Congressional Redistricting originally scheduled for 1 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 20, will now be held at 1 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 18. The hearing will still be held at the Sidney and Pauline Friedman Jewish Community Center, Cohen Family Social Hall, 613 S J Strauss Ln, Kingston.

The reschedule was necessary because the state House of Representatives has been called to Session in Harrisburg the week of Sept. 20. The Chair of the House State Government Committee apologizes for the inconvenience.

As a reminder, written testimony is required in order to be placed on the schedule. Please be advised that due to recent changes to the Sunshine Law, subject matter of testimony must be confined to the hearing topic only. Testimony outside of the scope of the hearing will not be permitted.



(This post will be updated with sample ballots and additional information - stay tuned)

Edit 9/9/21:
Remember to sign the petition to reduce the number of Supervisors from 5 to 3




Barrett 1
Barrett Township Municipal Building, 993 Route 390, Cresco, PA 18326

Barrett 2
Mountainhome United Methodist Church Annex, 6680 Route 191, Mountainhome, PA 18342

Don’t wait until it’s too late – register to vote now.

If you’re already registered, but didn’t vote last November or in the primary in May, you may want to check your registration status here for confirmation. That’s also a good way to verify your voting location.  

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