The show is based on the classic 1954 film, and incorporates “some other Irving Berlin favorites,” said Kara Snyder, one of the vocalists.
Snyder and fellow vocalist Ken McMullen, both longtime performers in the Poconos, are producing their first show since the COVID-19 pandemic began. They’ll be joined onstage by Kristen Long — “an extremely talented singing actress,” Snyder said — and David Arzberger, a “super talented young man,” who also choreographed the show, McMullen said.
The dances aren’t meant to match the movie exactly, just like the songs aren’t all in quite the same order.
“There are a couple of numbers that are almost identical, and people will recognize them when they see them, that it really is almost like the movie. But not everything is a copy,” Snyder said.
Instead, the numbers are “put into a series that works for us as a cabaret,” McMullen said.
After all, “No matter what we do, we cannot be Danny Kaye and Rosemary Clooney and Bing Crosby and Vera-Ellen,” Snyder said. The show takes “the best of ourselves and from the movie and added and enhanced it and made it work in a way that we can tell it best.”
The costumes and dancing will be reminiscent of the film’s era, and there will be no shortage of mid-century suits and dresses.
“There’s lots of costume changes,” McMullen said. “For a 90-minute show, we change a lot, which makes it more interesting, I think, for us and for the audience.”
Rounding out the production are accompanist Scott Besser, who has worked with Broadway performers and professionals around the world, and Grant Wagner, who “truly helps set the mood” by running sound and lights, McMullen said.
The cabaret will be performed at the Lodge at Mountain Springs Lake at 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 17 and 8 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 18. The Saturday show includes dinner at 6 p.m. Call 570-977-2217 for tickets.
The third performance is at 8 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 21 at the Tennis Tea at Buck Hill Falls. For tickets to this show, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Reservations are required for the Saturday dinner show, and suggested though not required for the other performances.
“White Christmas” is “a story of hope and happiness and joy and it’s just Christmas. It’s just something that will bring happiness and smiles to everyone who sees it,” Snyder said.
Kathryne Rubright is a reporter covering the environment, northeast Pa. politics, and local news. She is based at the Pocono Record. Reach her at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
This article originally appeared on Pocono Record: Pocono performers star in cabaret based on Irving Berlin songs