Tuesday, 31 January 2017 19:00

Mountainhome Community Watch: “Stopping the next Bank Robbery" Edition

Fellow Barrett Resident,

In July 2015, the Barrett Township Police Department merged with Pocono Regional.  Since then, have been numerous “unofficial” (unreported) break-ins, vandalism, and thefts.  There have also been two bank robberies:

  • In November 2015, the ESSA bank on Route 390 was robbed. (link)
  • In January 2017, the NBT Bank on Route 390 was robbed. (link)

 I wanted to share some thoughts and ideas, suggestions and pointers, so that the next time one of our (three!) banks is held up, the citizens know what they can do:

  1. First, security systems aren't as expensive as you think.  Any home or business along 390 could be fitted with an 8-camera security system, with DVR and night vision, for under $500.  (link)  They are set up to record any motion to a built-in hard drive.  Anyone along Route 390 could check their security systems to see if any footage of the suspect was captured by their cameras.  In the January 2017 NBT robbery, all the suspect had to do was run (south) down 390 a bit, out of view of the bank’s cameras, and hop in their getaway car. 
  2. Second, someone could have IDENTIFIED that getaway driver.  They could have called the police and simply followed the suspect, notifying the police from a safe distance where they were turning, etc.  Don’t try to perform your own “PIT maneuver” - just slowly follow the suspect.  If they drive too fast for you to follow them safely, STOP!  
  3. Most people carry a smart phone with them nowadays.  They’re great evidence-recording devices!  Some people install dash-cameras in their vehicles, too.  (link)  Any number of these recording methods can help capture footage of the suspect getting away and provide helpful information in arresting the suspect.  

I am not encouraging anyone to step up and try to perform a citizen’s arrest.  Do not try and be a vigilante.  However… the best way to reduce crime in our area is to establish a reputation for not letting people get away easily!  

Help Spread the Word!  Please like & share the following article:

(We will continually update the above article with latest announcements regarding the Community Watch program.) 

Warm Regards,
-Nate Covington
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Last modified on Tuesday, 16 February 2021 16:23

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