Wednesday, 15 November 2017 19:00

Monroe County Reassessment: DELAYED (!?)

**Update 2/16/18


** Original Post:

Fellow residents,

You may have recently received a green postcard in the mail regarding the Monroe County 2019 reassessment (see image).  Full text is as follows:


This notice is to inform all Monroe County Property owners that the Reassessment Implementation date has been changed from the year 2019 to the year 2020.

What does this mean to the property owner?

  1. The Reassessment Company, Tyler Technologies, will continue to collect data on properties in 2018 through early 2019.
  2. Preliminary assessments will be mailed to property owners no later than March 2019 for review. At that time, if you do not agree with the assessment information provided, you can file an informal review with Tyler Technologies.
  3. Final assessments will be mailed no later than July 1, 2019. You will have 40 days from the date on the notice to file a formal appeal with the Board of Assessment Revision.
  4. New Assessments will be used to generate the 2020 Tax Bills.

Any other question please call the Monroe County Assessment Office 570-517-3133


  • Do I need to let the person doing the assessment into my house?
    No!  You may choose to let them in to see the inside of your home but this is entirely optional.



Further Reading:


Flag of the United States DoS ECA Color Standard.svg

Flag of the United States DoS ECA Color Standard.svg

Flag of the United States DoS ECA Color Standard.svg

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