Friday, 23 August 2019 12:46

Grant Hilfiger Resigns Supervisor Position

Grant Hilfiger had more votes by a considerable margin when originally elected in 2017. Grant Hilfiger had more votes by a considerable margin when originally elected in 2017.

At the August 14, 2019 meeting, the Board appointed May LaBar to fill the Supervisor Seat vacated by Grant Hilfiger.


[Update 8/28/19 @ 10:30am - to include the following details from the Meeting Minutes]

Source: August 14, 2019 Meeting Minutes

d. Two letters were received from Grant Hilfiger to the Supervisors and the Planning Commission. The letters stated that he regretted to inform the Boards of his resignation, effective immediately. William Pipolo, Jr. made a motion to accept the letter of resignation to the Board of Supervisors. The motion was seconded by Benjie Labar and carried. All Supervisors voted aye. William Pipolo, Jr. made a motion to accept the letter of resignation to the Planning Commission. The motion was seconded by Benjie Labar and carried. All Supervisors voted aye. William Pipolo, Jr. made a motion to send Grant Hilfiger a letter, thanking him for his service. The motion was seconded by John Seese and carried. All Supervisors voted aye.

g. William Pipolo, Jr. made a motion to appoint May Labar to fill the position as Supervisor. The motion was seconded by Benjie Labar and carried. All Supervisors voted aye.


Read 3266 times Last modified on Tuesday, 07 June 2022 14:43

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