Barrett Township Maintenance Department

The Barrett Township Maintenance Department is staffed by five full-time employees and five part-time employees.  The members of the Maintenance Department routinely tend to the Township's maintenance needs, whether it be changing the oil in a police car, plowing a snow-covered road, or fixing a pothole.

During the winter, the maintenance employees can often be seen out on the Township's roads at all hours of the day and night plowing and cindering, so that the residents of Barrett Township can safely travel as needed.

In the warmer summer months, the Maintenance Department spends much of its time repairing or resurfacing the Township's roadways.

Barrett Township Maintenance Employees
John Seese                   Roadmaster / Supervisor
Cliff Oppelt                    Maintenance
Shane Schratt               Maintenance
James Seese                Maintenance
Duane Swartz               Maintenance
Mark Keiper                  Part time (winter)
Perry Fulmer                 Part time (winter)
Drew Price                    Part time (winter)
Volker Weishuhn          Part time (winter)

Additional Info

  • Address: Sand Spring Road
  • City: Cresco
  • State: PA
  • Zip: 18326
  • Phone: (570) 595 - 7866

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