Friday, 11 January 2019 07:43

Public Notice: Zoning Hearing Board Meeting January 29, 2019

PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING The Zoning Hearing Board of Barrett Township has scheduled a public hearing in the Barrett Township Municipal Building in Cresco, Pennsylvania on January 29, 2019, at 6 p.m., for consideration of an Appeal from an Enforcement Notice, an action of the Zoning Officer. The Applicant, Pocono 4 Rent LLC, appeals determinations under the Barrett Township Zoning Ordinance (ZO) that it (1) violated ZO Sect. 304 by establishing a new use or changing the use of the property to a transient dwelling without obtaining a zoning permit; and (2) violated ZO Sect. 1002 and Pa DEP regulations by increasing the number of bedrooms of the single-family dwelling on the property from 3 bedrooms to 8 bedrooms without obtaining a permit. The property is owned by the Applicant and is located at 4318 High Road, Barrett Township. The property contains 1.02 acres. It is identified as lot 29 section 3 in Mill Creek Estates; by tax parcel identification number 01638704534404; and by tax code number 01/33/1/30-29. It is located in an R (residential) zoning district and is improved with a single-family dwelling and related improvements. Notice of this public hearing is given in accordance with the Barrett Township Zoning Ordinance and the Pennsylvania Municipalities Planning Code, as amended. Richard L. Price, Jr., Chairman Ralph Fish, Jr., Member Jill Shoesmith, Member BARRETT TOWNSHIP ZONING HEARING BOARD ALAN PRICE YOUNG, ESQUIRE Barrett Township Zoning Hearing Board Solicitor Young & Haros, LLC 802 Main Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360-1602 PR - Jan. 11, Jan. 25

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