The following is a brief sum-mary of all of the sections of the proposed ordinance, which, if adopted, will amend the Barrett Township Code of Ordinances (the Code ): Part 1 of the pro-posed ordinance contains provisions concerning a short title, legal authority, legislative history and purpose, and legal conflicts. Part 2 authorizes the sale of certain real property located at 3423 Spruce Cabin Road, Barrett Township, bearing Parcel ID number and authorizes proper officers of the township to execute such documents and take such actions as are necessary and appropriate to complete the sale transaction. Part 2 also ratifies all prior actions of Township officials arising from or related to this transaction. Part 3 provides for the ordinance to be effective immediately.
The complete proposed ordinance was provided to the Pocono Record and the Mon-roe County Law Library and is available for inspection (without charge) or copying (for actual copying costs) at the Township s offices at the address listed above during regular business hours. If you require any special ac-commodations to attend, please contact the Township at (570)595-2602 at least one day in advance.
Weitzmann, Weitzmann &
Huffman, LLC
By: Todd W. Weitzmann,
700 Monroe Street
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Solicitor, Barrett Township
Board of Supervisors
P - 6/1/2023