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BARRETT TOWNSHIP MONROE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA ANNUAL AUDIT AND FINANCIAL NEWSPAPER REPORT YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2023 ASSETS Cash & investments $ 2,821,934 TOTAL ASSETS $ 2,821,934 LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY LIABILITIES $ 1,789,901 FUND EQUITY 1,032,033 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND EQUITY $ 2,821,934 REVENUES Taxes $ 2,124,519 Licenses & permits 80,221 Fines & forfeits 7,439 Interest & rents 234,897 Intergovernmental 1,096,537 Charges for services 155,870 Total Revenues 3,699,483 Other Financing Sources 941,175 Total Revenues and Other Financing Sources 4,640,658 EXPENDITURES General government 2,121,356 Public safety and protective inspection 966,621 Highways, roads, streets 786,102 Culture and recreation 185,458 Debt service 1,040 Employer paid benefits and withholding items 261,956 Total Expenditures 4,322,533 Other Financing Uses 33,727 Total Expenditures and Other Financing Uses 4,356,260 REVENUES OVER EXPENDITURES $ 28
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