To the Editor:
Once again the illegal use of dirt bikes and quads has begun on some of the township roads and residential properties in Barrett. Not only is this activity illegal, it is dangerous and very annoying to many township residents. These bikes are seen as one or in groups, recklessly driving, speeding, and using both sides of the road, with seemingly no regard for other vehicles or people. These bikes are extremely loud, especially when being driven as fast as they are. It seems unfair to a taxpaying property owner wanting to enjoy time outside, with dirt bikes racing around on the roads, as well as private properties in residential areas. Anyone else with any concerns or questions about this issue can refer to Barrett Township Ordinance # 164, which addresses this issue. This ordinance can be viewed online at the Barrett Township website, or a copy can be obtained at the township building on Rt. 390 in Mountainhome. This ordinance was adopted for the very reason this article is being written and can be legally enforced. It should also be noted that this is not to target property owners who use quads responsibly on their property to do work and chores. But it is not fair that this illegal activity should be allowed to continue to appease a few at the expense of everyone else. Thank you.