Tuesday, 28 July 2020 16:30

Thinking of passing a stopped school bus?

School Bus Stopping Law
Submitted by Tracy Fox, Traffic Safety Coordinator
Highway Safety Network

Although it is unclear what the start of the school year will bring, I would be remiss in my job if I did not take the opportunity to cover school bus safety.

There are many questions about school bus safety: When do I stop? Where do I stop? What if I don’t stop? So, let’s start by answering these questions.

Motorists are required by Pennsylvania law to stop for any school bus with red flashing lights and stop arm extended, stopping at least 10 feet away from the bus. Motorists are required to remain stopped until the red flashing lights are turned off, the stop arm is retracted, and all the children have reached safety.

Motorists must stop for a school bus with red flashing lights and stop arm extended when:

- at an intersection (all directions), behind or alongside a school bus

- on a roadway with painted lines, grooves or ridges dividing travel lanes

- approaching from the opposite direction with no physical barrier

Motorists DO NOT have to stop for a school bus with red flashing lights and stop arm extended when travelling in the opposite direction AND there is a physical barrier between the lanes of travel such as a guiderail, grassy median or concrete barrier.

If convicted of violating the School Bus Stopping Law you will receive a $250 fine, 5 points on your driving record and a 60-day license suspension.

Keep in mind violations can be reported to police by school bus drivers. Citations are filed by police at the magistrate’s office and you will receive the ticket in the mail. School buses as well are now being equipped with cameras to capture motorists who violate the School Bus Stopping Law.

When in doubt if you should stop for a school bus or not…STOP!

Questions or comments can be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. You can also follow me on Facebook @safetyfox or on Instagram at: highwaysafetynetworkd5. This is a PennDOT funded project.

Last modified on Monday, 03 August 2020 16:36

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