Thursday, 28 February 2019 08:53

Supervisors Divided over Ice Lake Community Park Development

Disclaimer: The ideas expressed below are the personal thoughts and opinions of Nate Covington and do not necessarily reflect the position of Barrett Township or its Board of Auditors.

[Update 3/5/19 @ 9:15am]
To clarify, The Ordinance from 2/27/19 is adopting an amendment to the Intergovernmental agreement with Paradise (PARC) - original ordinance #135.  Development of Barrett Township’s property Community Park at Ice Lake is a separate topic.  My reason for combining these issues into a single post is since these are neighboring properties, they should be considered side-by-side.  Apologies for any confusion.  

At the Supervisor's Meeting on February 27, 2019, a new ordinance was passed with a dissenting vote.  Patty O'Keefe voted "neigh," claiming the details of Barrett's ordinance did not match the corresponding Paradise ordinance.  

Further, the meeting minutes from the Environmental Advisory Committee from January 15, 2019 include some concerns about developing the Ice Lake Community Park, which calls for an ADA accessible walking path, and handicap accessible bathrooms with flush toilets.  

Below are the relevant notes from the Environmental Advisory Committee (emphasis added):

Discussion was held on the Ice Lake Development Project. Several questions were raised.

  • Where are the meeting minutes for an authorization of the township engineer to produce a plan to develop the property?
  • Why was the Environmental Advisory Council not consulted?
  • The extensive use of the property does not seem well thought out.
  • The trail and parking area are too close to adjoining property.
  • While the septic is outside the 50' buffer for an Exceptional Value waterway, it seems too close in practice. With the high water table and slope this seems a poor way to protect the watershed.
  • Flush toilets and a well seem excessive for the location.
  • Soil is not conducive to percolation for the septic, pervious surface parking, road, raingarden and trails.
  • Pervious surfaces require twice yearly maintenance (vacuuming) by a licensed contractor. There will be a large cost to build and maintain this park.
  • Is there a demonstrated need for this extensive development?
  • Has PARC been consulted to coordinate with their plans for adjoining Seven Pines Park which is part of the Regional Park Land?
  • In general, the proposal does not seem well thought out or the best use of funds. Access across the stream to connect to the existing trail seems more useful.

What are your thoughts?  Does Barrett Township need another park to build and maintain?   Please post your comment below!  

Last modified on Monday, 13 March 2023 08:01

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