Friday, 04 October 2019 13:51

Police investigating Mountainhome bank robbery

Editor's Note: To the businesses in town, please upgrade your security cameras if your system's image quality is this poor! Editor's Note: To the businesses in town, please upgrade your security cameras if your system's image quality is this poor!

MOUNTAINHOME — Pocono Mountain Regional Police are searching for a bank robber. According to Police Chief Chris Wagner, the First Keystone Community Bank at 1154 Route 390 in Mountainhome was robbed just after 9 a.m. Thursday.

The suspect is described as a 6-foot tall, heavy set male, wearing a grey-hooded sweat suit. The suspect was wearing a mask and gloves and therefore his race was unknown at the time of this story.

According to Wagner, at the time of the incident the suspect entered the bank and accessed a teller drawer, removing bundled US currency. After removing the currency, he fled on foot across Route 390 and up toward Golf Drive.

There is no confirmation if the suspect was armed or the amount of cash he ran off with.

Police are asking that anyone who has information about the incident or the identity of the robber to contact the Pocono Mountain Regional Police Department at 570-895-2400.

On September 24, the NBT Bank in East Stroudsburg was robbed in an unrelated incident. That suspect was identified and arrested by Stroud Area Regional Police the next day.

[Original Article]

Last modified on Tuesday, 29 December 2020 10:41

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