Monday, 29 May 2023 07:55

New Warehouse Provides Opportunity For Long Awaited Bypass In Mount Pocono

A northern Monroe County municipality is hoping to fix a congested major intersection.

The intersection of Routes 611, 940 and 196 in Mount Pocono is known for back-ups and accidents.

Plans to help alleviate those issues have been in the works for quite some time.

Now a new warehouse is providing a new opportunity to get the job done.

The idea is to provide drivers with an alternative route at least for part of the Five Points Intersection so they don’t get stuck in traffic.

Mount Pocono Borough Mayor Randy Altemose says, "Today’s world people have no patience so instead of waiting until the light turns green, they try to get two or three cars through the red lights. Obviously that’s hazardous and unsafe to the rest of the motorists."

That’s just some of the many issues Mount Pocono Borough officials see the Five Points Intersection causing as traffic continues to increase.

Altemose says, "The Borough residents, the Borough visitors and the Borough businesses are suffering from the congestion at the Five Points Intersection, arguably one of the worst intersections in the county, if not in the state."

We’re told at times, the roads can’t handle the volume of vehicles flowing through the area.

Altemose says, "Warehouses coming in, that’s obviously put a burden on it, even though they’re obviously supposed to not use the Five Points, they do, and our visitors."

But a new warehouse being built next to the Walmart on Route 940 is also providing an opportunity to help alleviate the problem.

Altemose says, "They’ve given us the right-of-way to get to the end of their property line and they’re going to construct into the point which is about a third of the way to where they need it for their access for their employees."

The Borough Mayor is talking about a long-proposed bypass. It would use the Industrial Park Drive entrance to the Walmart on 940 and pop-out at the intersection of Pine Hill Road and Route 611– just north of the Five Points Intersection.

Mount Pocono Manager Joshua Walker says, "All of the money is not there for the by-pass road, all of the easements aren’t there, all of the understanding of what PennDOT would need or the permits and the HOP, all of that is not complete yet."

Officials are looking to get a grassroots movement together not only for the bypass but to fix the entire intersection.

Walker says, "The first step is getting really a regional comprehensive plan that not only covers the by-pass road but also covers the 611 Pine Hill intersection, but it also covers the 196 and Pine Hill intersection because that’s also an issue too."

The borough is looking at what grants are available and will be reaching out to state representatives to get involved.



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