Wednesday, 12 January 2022 09:29

Barrett Township Environmental Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule 2022

PUBLIC NOTICE COMMITTEE MEETINGS TAKE NOTICE that the Barrett Township Environmental Advisory Committee will hold public meetings in 2022 at the Evergreen School, 905 E. Grace Avenue, Cresco, Pennsylvania 18326, at 6:30 p.m., on the following dates: January 19, March 16, May 18, July 20, September 21 and November 16. If you require any special accommodations to attend or participate in these public meetings, please contact the Township at 570-595-2602 at least one business day in advance. Barrett Township Environmental Advisory Committee P - Jan. 12

Flag of the United States DoS ECA Color Standard.svg

Flag of the United States DoS ECA Color Standard.svg

Flag of the United States DoS ECA Color Standard.svg

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