Public Notices

PUBLIC NOTICE REORGANIZATION MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Auditors of Barrett Township will hold a public meeting at the Barrett Township Municipal Building, 993 Route 390, Cresco, Pennsylvania 18326, on Tuesday, January 5, 2021, at 7 p.m. The purpose of the meeting is to organize the Board by the election of a chairman and secretary and to take all other necessary and appropriate action as required by Article IX of the Pennsylvania Second Class Township Code, 53 P.S. Sections 65901-65917. If any person with a disability wishes to request that special accommodations be made to allow his or her participation, he or she is asked to contact the Township at 570-595-2602, at least one business day in advance to make arrangements. By order of the Barrett Township Board of Auditors P - Dec. 18

PUBLIC NOTICE ESTATE NOTICE ESTATE OF INGEBORG MIGNAT, late of Barrett Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania, deceased. Letters Testamentary in the above-named Estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the Estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims are directed to present the same without delay to the undersigned or his attorney within four months from the date hereof and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, Forty-third Judicial District, a particular statement of claim duly verified by an affidavit setting forth an address within the County where notice may be given to claimant. Markus Mignat, Executor P.O. Box 44 Canadensis, PA 18325 Lori J. Cerato, Esq. Kelly L. Lombardo, Esq. 729 Sarah Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 570-424-3506 PR - Dec. 4, Dec. 11, Dec. 18

PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF INTENT TO ADOPT A TAX RESOLUTION Notice is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors of Barrett Township will hold a regular meeting at the Municipal Building, 993 Route 390, Cresco, Pennsylvania 18326, on Wednesday, December 23, 2020 at 8 a.m. At the regular meeting, the Board will consider adopting a resolution, authorized by Act 511 of 1965 (The Local Tax Enabling Act), as amended, providing for the levy and collection in fiscal year 2021 of the following taxes: (1) 1.7933 mills for general purposes, which is expected to generate $823,746.00; (2) 0.0960 mill for parks, which is expected to generate $43,629.00; (3) 0.2562 mill for the fire department, which is expected to generate $116,821.00; (4) 0.1922 mill for the library, which is expected to generate $87,264.00; (5) 0.16 mill for road machinery, which is expected to generate $72,715.00; (6) 0.032 mill for open space, which is expected to general $14,543.00; and (7) 0.064 mill for the ambulance company, which is expected to generate $29,106.00. These amount are unchanged from the prior fiscal year. The Board invites citizens and persons of interest to appear and be heard regarding the proposed resolution. If substantial amendments are not offered to the proposed resolution, the Board intends to consider adopting it at the special meeting. If you are a person with a disability and wish to attend this public meeting and require auxiliary aid, service, or other accommodation to participate in the proceedings, please call (570) 595-2602 to discuss how the Township may best accommodate your needs. Todd W. Weitzmann, Esquire Weitzmann, Weitzmann & Huffman, LLC 700 Monroe Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Barrett Township Solicitors P - Dec. 2, Dec. 9, Dec. 16

PUBLIC NOTICE SPECIAL MEETING AND OF INTENTION TO ADOPT PROPOSED BUDGET FOR BARRETT TOWNSHIP THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF BARRETT TOWNSHIP, pursuant to Section 3202 of the Second Class Township, hereby gives public notice that the proposed budget for Barrett Township for fiscal year 2021 is available for public inspection at the Barrett Township Municipal Building, 993 Route 390, Cresco, Pennsylvania 18326, during regular business hours. The Board of Supervisors further gives notice that it will hold a special meeting on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 at 8 a.m. at the above referenced Barrett Township Municipal Building for the purpose of considering adoption of the proposed budget for fiscal year 2021. Any and all interested persons are invited to inspect the proposed budget, to attend the special meeting where adoption of the budget shall be considered, and to offer such comments in relation to the proposed budget as they may desire. The proposed budget may be examined without charge, and copies of the same may be obtained for a charge not greater than the cost thereof, at the Barrett Township Municipal Building at the address listed above during regular business hours. If you are a person with a disability and wish to attend this public meeting and require auxiliary aid, service, or other accommodation to participate in the proceedings, please contact the Township at (570) 595-2602 to discuss how your needs may be best accommodated. Weitzmann, Weitzmann & Huffman, LLC By: Todd W. Weitzmann, Esq. 700 Monroe Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Barrett Township Solicitors P - Nov. 25

PUBLIC NOTICE SPECIAL MEETING Notice is hereby given that the Barrett Township Board of Supervisors will hold a special meeting/workshop at the Barrett Township Municipal Building, 993 Route 390, Cresco, Pennsylvania 18326, on Wednesday, November 18, 2020 starting at 8 a.m. for the purpose of discussing the proposed budget for fiscal year 2021. If any person with a disability wishes to request that special accommodations be made to allow his or her participation, he or she is asked to contact the Township at 570-595-2602, at least one business day in advance to make arrangements. Weitzmann, Weitzmann & Huffman, LLC By: Todd W. Weitzmann, Esquire 700 Monroe Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Barrett Township Solicitors P - Nov. 10

PUBLIC NOTICE CANCELLED MEETING TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Supervisors of Barrett Township has cancelled the regular general business meeting that was scheduled on Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. Weitzmann, Weitzmann & Huffman, LLC By: Todd W. Weitzmann, Esquire 700 Monroe Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Barrett Township Solicitors P - Nov. 10

PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING BARRETT TOWNSHIP ZONING HEARING BOARD The Barrett Township Zoning Hearing Board shall conduct a public hearing at the Barrett Township Municipal Building, 993 Route 390, Cresco, PA 18326 on November 5, 2020 at 7 p.m. to consider the application of Cresco DG, LLC for a Variance of property located at 967 Peterson Road, Cresco, PA 18326; tax parcel number being a 1.89 acre parcel located in MU-V Zoning District. Applicant seeks a Variance from the requirements of Sections 1302 and 1303 of the Zoning Ordinance which would require thirty-seven (37) parking stalls for Applicant's project, with a space size of 10' x 20'. Applicant desires to locate a Dollar General store on the property. Applicant seeks a reduction of thirty-seven (37) to thirty (30) parking stalls, as well as a reduction in the size of the parking space from 10' x 20' to 9' x 20'. By Order of Barrett Township Zoning Hearing Board James V. Fareri, Esquire, Solicitor P - Oct. 21, Oct. 28

PUBLIC NOTICE ESTATE NOTICE Estate of Joanne C. Storer, late of Mountainhome, Barrett Township, Monroe County, Pennsylvania. Letters of Administration in the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to the estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims are directed to present the same without delay to the undersigned or her attorney within four (4) months from the date hereof and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe County, Orphan's Court Division, a particular statement of claim, duly verified by an affidavit setting forth an address within the county where notice may be given to claimant. Amy Noone, Executrix 15610 Golf Club Drive Montclair, Va 22025 Eric Noone, Executor 1088 Upper Seese Hill Road Canadensis, PA 18325 MICHELLE F. FARLEY, ESQ. P.O. Box 222 Cresco, PA 18326 PR - Sept. 11, Sept. 18, Sept. 24

PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Barrett Township Board of Supervisors will conduct a public hearing at the Barrett Township Municipal Building, 993 Route 390, Cresco, Pennsylvania 18326, on Wednesday, September 23, 2020, beginning at 8:30 a.m. The purpose of the hearing will be to determine if there is a dangerous structure in violation of Barrett Township Ordinance 85 on property now or formerly owned by Charles G. Molinari and Rosemarie P. Molinari, his wife, which is located at 840 Upper Seese Hill Road, Barrett Township, Pennsylvania. The property is further identified as Monroe County Tax Code # and PIN 01-6398-04-63-9800. Rosemarie P. Molinari having died on May 7, 2008 and Charles G. Molinari having died on January 3, 2012, the property appears to be controlled by the Estate of Charles G. Molinari, by and through its Executor, Dominic J. Molinari. The Board of Supervisors has received a report that one or more buildings on the property are in a dangerous condition constituting a nuisance in violation of Barrett Township Ordinance 85. As required by Section 4(a) and Section 6(c) of Ordinance 85, the following is a statement of particulars regarding the alleged dangerous buildings: the owner is maintaining or causing to be maintained, multiple unoccupied, abandoned, dangerous structures on the property; in particular, the primary structure on the property is a wood-frame building that has been so neglected that it has partially collapsed. The property owners and any interested parties are hereby given notice of their opportunity to appear before the Board at the above referenced hearing to show cause why the building reported to be a "dangerous building" should not be repaired, vacated or demolished in accordance with the standards and requirements of Ordinance 85. The public and all interested persons are invited to attend the public hearing and to present any relevant evidence in connection with this matter. If any person with a disability wishes to request that special accommodations be made to allow his or her participation, he or she is asked to contact the Township at 570-595-2602, ext. 3, at least one business day in advance to make arrangements. WEITZMANN, WEITZMANN & HUFFMAN, LLC By: Todd W. Weitzmann, Esquire 700 Monroe Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Barrett Township Solicitors P - Sept. 7, Sept. 14

Editor's Note:
See attachments for bidding documents - engineers' drawings start on page 162.


PUBLIC NOTICE INVITATION TO BID Barrett Township will receive Bids for one contract for the Old Canadensis Hill Bridge Replacement located on Old Canadensis Hill, Cresco, Pennsylvania 18346. The contract is for the removal of the existing bridge superstructure, abutment repairs, and installation of the new superstructure and associated improvements. Sealed Bids are to be submitted at the offices of Barrett Township, 993 Route 390, Cresco, PA by 4 p.m. (local time) on the 22nd day of September, 2020. Bids will be opened at the Board of Supervisors meeting at 8 a.m. on the 23rd of September, 2020. A Pre-Bid Conference will be held at the site on 8th day of September, 2020, at 10 a.m.

PUBLIC NOTICE ESTATE NOTICE Estate of VIVIAN V. MILLER, late of the Township of Barrett, County of Monroe, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Deceased Letters Testamentary in the above named estate having been granted to the undersigned; all persons indebted to the Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims are directed to present the same without delay to the undersigned or her attorney within four (4) months from the date hereof and to file with the Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of the Forty-Third Judicial District, Monroe County, Orphans' Court Division, a particular statement of claim, duly verified by an affidavit setting forth an address within the county where notice may be given to claimant. Jody L.M. Hutton, Executrix P.O. Box 436 Pocono Pines, PA 18350 OR TO: CRAMER, SWETZ, McMANUS & JORDAN, P.C. Attorneys at Law By: F. Andrew Wolf, Esquire 711 Sarah Street Stroudsburg, PA 18360 PR - Aug. 28, Sept. 4, Sept. 11

PUBLIC NOTICE INVITATION FOR BIDS The Monroe County Board of Commissioners will receive sealed Bids for the following proposed work located within the County: Monroe County Multiple Bridge Repair & Maintenance Project Located in Barrett, Hamilton, Jackson, Paradise, Pocono, Smithfield and Stroud Townships.

Sealed bids will be received by the Monroe County Controller at the Monroe County Administrative Center, One Quaker Plaza, Room 206, Stroudsburg, PA 18360 until no later than 1:30 PM on Tuesday September 15, 2020. Bids must be in a sealed envelope and clearly marked on the outside "Monroe County Bridge Repair & Maintenance Project". They will be publicly opened and read aloud at 2:00 P.M. on Tuesday September 15, 2020 in the Commissioner's Public Meeting Room, Room 203, at the Monroe County Administrative Center.

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